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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Rakyat has spoken....

The Rakyat has spoken... on the 9th of July 2011 

Nobody would ever condone anarchy,....
 However, alas, it was made worse by the aggravation from the government...
(and the police, on the name of maintaining PEACE).

And, Personally,
I think this is the right time for the Government to reflect back, 
and accept it in a 'Gentleman'-ly manner,
and rectify whatever is needed.

...but not to cover everything as if it never happened
coz it'll make things worse...
and it'll make you all look bad... and idiotic 

Personally for me, i think it's time....
"Apabila Dunia diutamakan dan Islam dipinggirkan,
Dan apabila Syiar ditinggikan, tetapi Syariat disisihkan,
Timbullah Kewajaran, untuk menegakkan yang Hak,
Dan mencegah yang Batil..."
( Not to point finger at other people, but this is tad obvious,.... 
but it's a matter of whether you see it or not....hmmmm..)

And Remember this....

" Apabila engkau berjalan di pinggir pantai, 
kemudian engkau celupkan hujung jarimu ke dalam air lautan,
 sesudah itu engkau angkat jarimu dari dalam air,
 setitik air itulah kehidupan dunia,
 sedangkan air yang tinggal di dalam lautan itulah kehidupan akhirat"


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